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80s Homecoming Theme 40th Party!

When I heard the idea of an 80s prom for a birthday party. I knew this was something I had to do for for my husband one day, who grew up in the 80s. What better birthday milestone to throw this party was the big 4-0! I had this theme in my head for years! I was always looking for cheap venues, decor ideas, and outfits. 6 months prior to his birthday party. I decided to change it from an 80s prom theme party to a 80s homecoming theme party. Almost exactly the same. I only did this because I wanted our guests to have more options when it came to their wardrobe. I know some homecomings in the 80s were really formal, but some were not. I just wanted a variety of options for our awesome guests! As I mentioned I looked at all sorts of venues. I wanted my backdrop to be an old school gym. I knew a lot of these dances took place in a stinky gym. I had no luck finding a gym, but I found a great community center in my local town. The price was right, but they required us to have at least...
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Stone's 2nd Birthday: Puppy Dogs!

Looks like only blog when there is a birthday or Christmas card that I created. One day when I have more time (I wish) I can blog about more than my kid's parties. One can only dream. :) For Stone's 2nd Birthday. I decided to keep really low key since we were doing it up pretty big for Mike's 40th birthday. Plus on J ett's 2nd birthday I kept it pretty low key because I was pregnant with Stone and in a lot of pain because of the 2 shots of day I was receiving for the pregnancy.  So kept it minimal (well minimal for me) with just inviting family over. It was perfect. Stone loved every moment. Picking the theme....I always pick the theme of what my child is really into at that time. For Jett it was tractor for his 2nd birthday. For Stone he is and was OBSESSED with puppy dogs. During his physical therapy we used quite often the dogs to motivate him to walk towards them (they were in the yard, he could see them through the window). Anytime he was hurt or in any pain ...